Servas alle zusammen,
am 10. und 11. Dezember findet am Mölltaler Gletscher in Kärnten im Rahmen der Back on Snow Tour ein kleiner, aber feiner Snowboardcontest statt: Es handelt sich um einen Slopestyle für Mädels und Jungs..
Hi everybody,
this is an invitation to join a nice, little slopestyle competition at the Mölltaler Glacier in Kärnten/ are all welcome!
10. - 11. December 2005
Free Jamsession
We are looking for the
...most impressive Rider
...most creative Rider
...most impressive girl
…best rookie /rookie girl
...other special awards
Friday, 9.12.2005
09:00 Uhr ridersmeeting and bibs @ Bos-tent / training - warm up
11:00 qualification
glacier = chill area // fine tunes by la splisz //
test the lastest snowboards of more than 35 companies
Saturday 10.12.2005
09:00: training
10:45: finals
15:00 pricegiving
To know:
win € 1.000,-- PRICEMONEY
win the latest snowboards
win lots of goodies from the snowboardindustry
4 weekends (2 persons) at the mölltal glacier
Inscription: 15 € ->
For lifttickets, accommondation + food, packages, party... SPECIAL PACKAGES available!!
and: you can qualify for the Austrian Open in Innsbruck..
Please spread the mail to all your friends thanks!
am 10. und 11. Dezember findet am Mölltaler Gletscher in Kärnten im Rahmen der Back on Snow Tour ein kleiner, aber feiner Snowboardcontest statt: Es handelt sich um einen Slopestyle für Mädels und Jungs..
Hi everybody,
this is an invitation to join a nice, little slopestyle competition at the Mölltaler Glacier in Kärnten/ are all welcome!
10. - 11. December 2005
Free Jamsession
We are looking for the
...most impressive Rider
...most creative Rider
...most impressive girl
…best rookie /rookie girl
...other special awards
Friday, 9.12.2005
09:00 Uhr ridersmeeting and bibs @ Bos-tent / training - warm up
11:00 qualification
glacier = chill area // fine tunes by la splisz //
test the lastest snowboards of more than 35 companies
Saturday 10.12.2005
09:00: training
10:45: finals
15:00 pricegiving
To know:
win € 1.000,-- PRICEMONEY
win the latest snowboards
win lots of goodies from the snowboardindustry
4 weekends (2 persons) at the mölltal glacier
Inscription: 15 € ->
For lifttickets, accommondation + food, packages, party... SPECIAL PACKAGES available!!
and: you can qualify for the Austrian Open in Innsbruck..
Please spread the mail to all your friends thanks!